Sunday, March 04, 2007

Groves and Keenan - Letters to the Editor in the Daily Press - Mar. 4, 2007

At cross purposes with W&M's welfare:

The inevitable has happened as sthe College of Aillam and Mary. Earlier, the college's board of visitors proudly stated its support of Prffesident Gen Nichol's decision regarding display of the cross in the Wren Chapel, and in fact, the board further stated that furture donations to the school would not likely be jeopradized. Now, it is reported that a significant and sizeable donation of $12 million has been revoked.

And now, the good Mr. Nichol exclaims how unfortunate this is, because "it will only hurt the students." What arrogance, or stupidity! Nichol fails to understand, or simply will not admint to the fact that the revoked denotation is clearly his own doing, and that it is he who has hurt the students, not the donor. His unthinking decision to remove the cross reflects badly not only on himself and the school's official board, but also on the school itself, which has gained national notoriety over this controversy and is already distinguished as one of the most liberal colleges in the country.

How could this not have been anticipated?

John Groves

No middle way:

Reference the cross debate at the Wren Chapel. If I went to China and visited a Buddhist temple I would expect to see a Buddha there. There are many other examples of this ty[e of expression in places of worship in the world - a cross in the Wren Chapel is one of them.

Our area was populated to provide religious freedom, and a cross is appropriate for Anglican early America. The College of William and Mary is a historical site as well as educational.

I oppose a middle option as luckwarm and undefining of who we were as early Americans. The cross is approprate to define our heritage in Williamsburg and the present United States.

Faye Keenan


These editorials appeared in the Daily Press. I was unable to find the links for the editorials and so I entered the actual comments here.


Anonymous said...

Why not let the students of William and Mary decide, and let the school evolve with the students?

Anonymous said...

So you want financial support from alumni, but they can keep their opinions to themselves. Yeah, that seems fair...

Anonymous said...

Keep your financial support. Oh yes I am sorry about using the word evolve: you probably don't believe in the FACT that is evolution.

Anonymous said...

As a student it is clear that you have not any appreciation on how the business side of an institution is dependent on financial support. Nichol just discovered this the hard way. Nichol is not a business person, he is a coward and a liar. He is only concerned with his personal agenda. His performance is negative. He needs to be removed from office.