Tuesday, December 05, 2006

An Attack on all American Icons and History

Dear Friends,

I commend you for your initiative. Apparently it is taking hold.

I write with two initial observations. The letters to the president are excellent. They are civil, respectful and succinct. I liked that of Bill Reidway. I am confident that others who have written have followed the same tact.

I have also noted the significant number of alumni from 1990-2006 responding. That is a very good sign.

I became aware well after the fact thanks to H&C. As an info cruncher, I was surprised to be so far behind the curve. I hope you are doing a strong outreach to other media so that other alumni, especially from my era, become aware. This insidious attack that is occurring against all things Christian must be stopped. As this pertains to our fine school, it is a strike to the heart of American heritage and values......nothing less.

President Nichol appears to be well-prepared professionally and intellectually to hold this positon. But I must say that his social mind set does not bode well as evidenced by this outrageous action and his justification of same.

Thank you for your loyalty and dedication.

Robert C. Blase '60
Celaya, Mexico

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