Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Wren Cross - A fight of freedom for religion

The Wren Cross and the efforts of Save the Wren reach far beyond The College of William and Mary. I suppose I should post this on my blog, Conservative Beach Girl but I feel the link belongs here so that more of you will see it.

I want to speak to the fragility of our freedoms and I want to speak to you of what is happening more and more within our nation and in other nations as well. The United States Federal Government had to take over the war memorial at Mt. Soledad in order to keep the cross that is a beacon in the area from being torn down. The City of San Diego just could not afford to fight the ACLU any longer.

A university in British Columbia has removed/changed its Coat of Arms due to funding from an external group who said they were offended by two crosses on the Coat of Arms. The article can be found at University Gets Muslim Funding; Drops Coat of Arms.

The removal of the Wren Cross from behind the altar in the Wren Chapel is an act of intolerance against Christians. It is an act to make them feel estranged within the walls of a Christian Chapel. The fight is for religious freedom. The attack is one of Secularism softening up and removing all symbols of religion in the United States. We gain our strength from our Judeo-Christian heritage. That heritage must be defended. Some try to paint or taint our Founding Fathers as non-religious men but I give you their words from the Declaration of Independence:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.... And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

In the first sentence and in the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers mention first God and finally, Divine Providence. Can any read this founding document and believe these men were Secularist? Thomas Jefferson did not want a national Church of England (as an example) established by Congress. However, he did not want God removed from the public square.

The journey upon which the Save the Wren group of students and alumni have embarked is an honorable journey. Having the Wren Cross removed/locked in a closet at the direction of one man is the "taxation without representation" of our times much on the order of what cost King George the Colonies.

Christians and Jews and the symbols of their religions are being attacked, destroyed, and desecrated throughout the world. Making a stand for religous tolerance, in this case the tolerance of a Christian Chapel, at The College of William and Mary is in the best and highest tradition of our Founding Fathers.

Perhaps this stand will finally put a dent in "political correctness" (aka censorship) and bring us to a time when we can once again discuss the issues before us as a nation. When something such as the removal of the Wren Cross occurs as it did, I am reminded that much more may be going on with the removal of the cross a distraction. I hope as we go into our 400 year celebration of the founding of Jamestown, the Board of Visitors will ensure that the causal factor that initiated the removal of the Wren Cross will have been dealt with.

What an embarrassment has be perpetrated upon a fine institution? Against the Commonwealth of Virginia? Upon a most Christian member of the Royal Family who will surely have heard of this most arbitrary of decisions before his arrival for the 400th Anniversary and before his presentation at the College's graduation.

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